Projects & videos beyond our regular episodes, created with or by partners and friends of This Week in Global Health!


TWiGH discusses Global Health Frontiers episodes

Episode 1 Teaser Clips

An Interview with Savon Bartley, Poet Slammer

Jessica Taaffe sat down with poetry slammer Savon Bartley at the 2015 Global Health Innovation Conference at Yale University on how poetry is a powerful and universal communication tool for global health. Savon's climate change poetry was featured at the 70th United Nations General Assembly meeting: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2015/09/23/united_nations_summit_a_climate_change_video_every_world_leader_should_see.html

#1 in a series of 3 videos on mHealth that were made by MPH students at Wright State University Master of Public Health Program, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio, USA.

This is #2 of a series of 3 videos that were made by MPH students at Wright State University Master of Public Health Program, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio, USA.

The 3rd and final in a series of 3 videos on mHealth that were made by MPH students at Wright State University Master of Public Health Program, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dayton, Ohio, USA.

A week prior to our Refugee and IDP Health episode (July 1, TWiGH42), our friends at YP-CDN covered NCD's and Humanitarian Action.  Check out their episode of #YPSpeaks with Dr. David Barros for more information on the current situation, challenges of combatting NCD's in emergencies, and possible solutions.  The intersection of NCD treatment and humanitarian action is new, but very important!

MPH Students at University of Southern California attended #WHA68 with the TWiGHteam and created this fantastic video in the days preceeding the event